2024. July 29.
Szerző: Ügyvédi Iroda

Are you a non-EU citizen looking to invest in Hungary? The Guest Investor Residence Permit might be your gateway to living and doing business in this vibrant European country. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the application process, investment options, and everything you need to know to start your Hungarian journey.

Who Can Apply for a Guest Investor Residence Permit?

  • Non-EU citizens (third-country nationals)
  • Investors contributing to Hungary’s economic growth through specific investment options

Qualifying Investments: Your Path to Hungarian Residency

  • Real Estate Investment Fund (Min. EUR 250,000): Invest in a Hungarian National Bank-registered fund focusing on Hungarian residential real estate (min. 40% of net assets). Hold the investment for at least 5 years.
  • Hungarian Property Purchase (Min. EUR 500,000 Available from January 1, 2025): Purchase a property free of encumbrances, register a 5-year prohibition on sale/encumbrance, and maintain ownership for 5 years (individual or joint ownership with family applying for residence).
  • Higher Education Donation (Min. EUR 1,000,000): Donate to a Hungarian university maintained by a public interest asset management foundation, Funds must support educational, scientific, or artistic pursuits

Application Process: Where and When to Apply

  • Applications can only be submitted within Hungary
  • Guest Investor Visa Holders: Apply within 93 days of entering Hungary.
  • Visa-Exempt Applicants: Apply within 93 days of your first entry.
  • Application Options: Electronically via Enter Hungary platform or in person at the NDGAP regional directorate based on your Hungarian residence.

How to Submit Your Application

  1. Complete Application Form: Attach required documents (see below).
  2. Submit Application: Electronically or in person.
  3. Pay Administrative Fee.
  4. Provide Biometric Data: Facial photograph and fingerprints.

Required Documents: Preparing Your Application

Ensure you have the following documents ready:

  1. Investment Proof (varies by option):
    • Real Estate Fund: Certificate from the fund manager.
    • Property Purchase: Contract of sale and purchase (lawyer-countersigned).
    • Donation: Certificate from the higher education institution.
  2. Proof of Sufficient Funds in Hungary (e.g., bank statements, income documents).
  3. Proof of Accommodation in Hungary (e.g., lease agreement, ownership document).
  4. Health Insurance Proof.
  5. Proof of Meeting Exit Conditions (valid passport, travel tickets, or sufficient funds).
  6. One Facial Photograph

Processing Time and Permit Validity

  • Processing Time: Usually 21 days by NDGAP (may request additional documents).
  • Permit Validity: Up to 10 years (extendable for another 10 years).

Start Your Hungarian Investment Journey Today!

The Guest Investor Residence Permit offers a unique opportunity to live and invest in Hungary. With its strategic location, growing economy, and rich cultural heritage, Hungary presents an attractive destination for international investors.

Are you ready to take the next step? Our law firm is here to guide you through every aspect of the application process, from document preparation to final approval. Contact us today to discuss your investment plans and how we can help you obtain your Guest Investor Residence Permit in Hungary. Let us handle the complexities while you focus on your investment opportunities in this vibrant European nation.

How Our Law Firm Can Assist You

Navigating the complexities of international investment and residency applications can be challenging. That’s where our experienced law firm comes in. We offer comprehensive support throughout your Guest Investor Residence Permit application process:

  1. Document Preparation: We assist in compiling and organizing all necessary documents for your application, ensuring everything meets the strict requirements of Hungarian authorities.
  2. Application Review: Our legal experts meticulously review your application, minimizing the risk of errors or omissions that could delay your permit.
  3. Liaison with Authorities: We manage all communication with relevant Hungarian authorities on your behalf, streamlining the process and reducing potential language barriers.
  4. Process Management: From initial application to final approval, we oversee every step of the process, keeping you informed and addressing any issues that may arise.
  5. Legal Consultation: Our team provides expert advice on Hungarian investment laws, tax implications, and residency requirements, helping you make informed decisions.
  6. Post-Approval Support: Even after obtaining your permit, we offer ongoing support for renewals, reporting investment changes, and answering any questions about your residency status.

By choosing our law firm, you’re not just hiring legal representation – you’re gaining a dedicated partner in your Hungarian investment journey. Our in-depth knowledge of local regulations and years of experience in handling Guest Investor Residence Permit applications ensure a smooth and efficient process for you.